Entrepreneurs have an exceptional ability to make great initial strides in their ventures without needing a lot of outside help. Being self-driven, innovative, and self-reliant are entrepreneurial superpowers, but can these superpowers also limit business cash flow?
One of the most profound moments in an entrepreneur’s life is the moment they decide to bet on themselves.
“One of the most profound moments in an entrepreneur’s life is when they first decide to bet on themselves.”- Norm Westervelt, CEO, Wealth Factory
When we double down and resolve to believe completely in ourselves, that’s when the mountain starts to move. That moment is important, but it’s only the beginning. Today we are going to talk about the finite pie myth and why it holds back so many entrepreneurs. We are also going to talk about the necessary shifts in mindset that an entrepreneur makes as they transition from being entirely self-reliant to building a business that can make millions of people’s lives better while earning millions in business cash flow.
“What is your ideal life?”
Are we moving in the direction that will lead to our ideal life? This is a tough question. First, we need clarity about what “an ideal life” even means. When we ask that question at Wealth Factory, an ideal life means achieving financial freedom from having succeeded at doing what we love. As entrepreneurs, many of our ventures start out with just us and our computers. Maybe some of you are in that phase right now. It’s an exciting time, and you can get a really good start. But if we want to move that mountain faster, and if we want to create something that could last for decades to come, it’s important to remember that the DIY part of our journey is only the first phase.
If we want to build a life we love, we’ll inevitably need the help, expertise, and passions of other people who are willing to invest their time and talent toward reaching a common goal. That goal is a life that is made better because they got to do what they love while building something successful, a.k.a., our business. It’s a win-win.
Our business cash flow potential becomes unlimited when we start working with others toward a common goal.
Making the transition from being a one-person show, to effectively leading a dynamic operation that is full of moving parts—does not come naturally to most entrepreneurs. Delegation, employee retention, training, and communication are just a few of the areas where entrepreneurs most commonly struggle at first. The good news is that none of these things need to be done alone. We aren’t flying blind. We can get help with identifying our blind spots, which is one of the first things we do for people here at Wealth Factory. We collaborate with entrepreneurs in ways that help them shorten that learning curve so they can start building their dream team sooner. Be sure to watch the entire episode to get a deep dive into the finite pie myth, especially if you’ve never heard of it before. It’s an elusive mindset that can hold entrepreneurs back from taking the next leap toward building the life they love by limiting their business cash flow.