
How to Start Living Wealthy Now

At Wealth Factory, we encourage our clients to start living wealthy now. When people hear the term ‘living wealthy,’ many entrepreneur mindsets consider this concept in two different extremes. The first perception is that living wealthy means going on reckless spending sprees. The second perception belongs to the clients who won’t indulge in spending even the slightest amount because they don’t feel they have permission yet to live wealthy. 

So, what does ‘living wealthy’ actually mean? 

“Living wealthy is a mindset, first and foremost.” – Norm Westervelt, CEO, Wealth Factory

First of all, living wealthy is a mindset. It’s an entrepreneurial mindset of abundance. We’ve all met those people who don’t seem to have a lot on paper but still allow themselves to enjoy what they have and be genuinely happy. Well, this is usually because these kinds of people have abundant mindsets. They operate from a place of appreciation for the little things and a positive outlook on the future. People who can allow themselves to be happy with where they are today are already wealthy in their way. 

At the end of today’s episode, we have an excellent free resource for you called the Living Wealthy Initiative Workbook. Be sure to join us for the entire episode to get more in-depth coverage on this concept of living wealthy and to learn more about how you can start living wealthy in your own life, exactly where you are today. Our Wealth Factory CEO, Norm Westervelt, is going to share his own experience with learning how to live wealthy long before he made his first million and how this mindset of abundance played a key role in his future success. 

There are three initial steps you can take today to put you on the path of living wealthy now. The first step is embracing the reality of exactly where you are today. Please watch the full episode to learn more, and then be sure to access our exclusive Living Wealthy Initiative Workbook!

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