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Billionaire Money Strategies for Non-Billionaires

"How To Create Generational Wealth Like Billionaires Do

...Without risky stock market speculation, confusing financial plans, or needing a $50M net worth to start with"

, Author and Chief Wealth Architect at Wealth Factory Norm Westervelt
Wealth Factory CEO and Co-Founder

Dear Friend,

If you want to discover how to continually grow your wealth, guaranteed even in times like these, using the same method as the richest family in American history…

If you want to have cash on hand to buy profitable assets when there's a recession...

If you want to give your family all the best things in life without enabling them to squander the family fortune (like most "trust-fund babies" accomplish in one generation)...

And if you never want to fear running out of money (either now or in future generations)...

Then What Would Billionaires Do? could be the most important financial book you ever read... and here's why.

First, a Warning:

Before we go further, let me make something abundantly clear:

The ideas and financial strategies revealed in this book are only for people willing to look at money in a different way than we've all been taught...

And it will only benefit people willing to acknowledge that there ARE shortcuts to building massive wealth.

Now I realize that may sound like a very strange "warning," but it's incredibly important, because...

The Wealthy Leverage Money Differently Than Everyone Else

And it took stumbling onto an obscure, decades-old document to uncover this.

The document wasn’t widely circulated and the financial establishment mainly ignored it.

Yet the strategies inside are absolutely stunning...

It shows you how to take advantage of wealth benefits created by powerful financial interests who spent millions lobbying Washington DC. Things like...

  • The secret to continual growth (that won’t fall when the markets do)
  • How to boost your savings rate up to 400% - 800% and safeguard your wealth
  • Plus how to pass that tax-free wealth onto the next generation

It made me think…

This must be how ultra-wealthy families continue to grow and pass on their fortunes...

Just like the Rockefeller Family who still controls an estimated 11 billion dollars 6 generations after John D. Rockefeller struck it rich in the oil business, more than 120 years ago.

The Wealth Factory team and I read the document beginning to end several times, but it felt incomplete.

So we tracked down the author and paid him thousands of dollars to fly into town and let us interview him for two days.

It was fascinating, but there were still a few holes in the concept.

So we spent the next decade improving and perfecting the system.

While also helping hundreds of families implement this wealth strategy in their life.

And then…

A Rockefeller-Family Insider Called Us On the Phone

A CPA who worked for the Rockefeller Family Foundation heard what we were up to and reached out.

We explained the system in detail, and she said…

"You're spot on. This is the philosophy we used. This makes a ton of sense."

She also said that every time a new Rockefeller is born — and there are nearly 200 alive today — they are added to this wealth system.

And now they get to experience continual financial growth for the rest of their lives — and eventually pass on money tax-free to their heirs, too.

In life, the system acts as an “Opportunity fund” to provide money for life events like college, buying a home, starting a business and more.

Plus, if something happens where the economy changes or the market goes down, you are completely protected from any downside.

It’s the best financial system I’ve ever come across, and best of all…

You don’t have to be a millionaire to implement this multi-generational wealth plan.

Just follow the step-by-step instructions as described in our tell-all book, What Would Billionaires Do?

Now You Can Do Exactly What the Wealthiest Family in U.S. History Does

This may take you out of your comfort zone, because it may mean you need to stop doing some things you've grown accustomed to — like trying to score big wins in the stock market, or jumping in early on IPOs, or speculating on cryptocurrencies.

These activities can feel exciting, but are almost always distractions that derail true wealth-building.

So if you're willing to do the simple (and sometimes boring) things that really count — like creating guaranteed returns with trusts, optimizing your insurance coverages to fully protect all your assets, and strategically engineering your wealth by tapping into your Investor DNA...

Then you could change your family’s fortunes forever.

I know that eliminates a lot of people, however that's who this is for.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you...

What Would Billionaires Do?

Introducing the Complete Billionaire Financial System for Growing Your Family’s Wealth for Generations...

To start with, you get the tell-all book, What Would Billionaires Do? ...

This book details, in full, the multi-generational wealth plan invented and used by the Rockefellers for more than 6 generations…

That anyone can use to protect and grow their wealth, even if they’re not a millionaire.

It's a quick, easy read you can finish in a couple evenings or a weekend.

There's no technical language and the entire multi-generational wealth plan is spelled out in simple terms.

Plus it’s filled with client case studies and examples so you can see first-hand how it works and the incredible results the system provides.

And you'll immediately "get" the entire system I personally use to permanently "upgrade" my family's financial future, and ensure that future generations aren't born into financial bondage.

Here Are a Few of the Chapters and Concepts Readers Have Told Me Are the Most Impactful

  • The forgotten wealth-building account: After WWI nearly everyone had this account to safely grow their wealth — because it works! And the benefits are even better today ...
  • Special document from Chapter 12 reveals how to pass on new wealth without the damaging side effects …
  • See how you can boost your savings rate 400%–800% without having to lock your money away by checking out Chapter Six!
  • Why it's so critical to "keep the money together" and AVOID letting your children and grandchildren spend money as they please (the book outlines an elegant system to make sure it happens)...
  • How to safeguard your wealth from lawsuits, creditors and financial predators (note: laws vary from state to state) ....
  • (p.29) Discover the original little-known document that first led us to this multi-generational wealth plan
  • How to break your family out of middle class mediocrity and change your financial destiny in less than one generation ...
  • How traditional financial institutions plot to control your money for as long as possible — and get rich doing it. This system turns that concept on its head so the wealth funnels to YOU ...
  • The COMPLETE Billionaire Financial System: And much, much more …

And it gets even better...

You Get Access to the “Behind-Closed-Doors” Financial Strategy that America’s Richest Families Use and Love

If you’ve ever had the privilege of observing a Family Office board meeting for family’s worth more than $50 million dollars…

And watching multiple elite financial advisors to the wealthy work hand-in-hand to make sure their client’s money is safe and growing…

Then you know why the rich are so good at getting richer.

It almost seems unfair unless you have a similar “Family Office” solution.

The Family Office is a powerful billionaire financial strategy invented by the Rockefeller family...

Because they knew that building wealth and investing is a team sport...

And if you’re trying to build wealth by yourself against people with a better team, you’re going to lose.

So now most all billionaire families use a Rockefeller-style Family Office...

Which is a team of world-class financial professionals each with their own expertise…

A team that helps you play both offense and defense when building wealth.

A Wealth-Building Offense is made up of investment advisors, cash flow specialists, banking professionals, business consultants and more...

A Wealth-Building Defense is made up of accountants, tax attorneys, credit and loan experts, multiple insurance specialists, estate planning attorneys and more....

In person, seeing a list of everyone around the table is like a very long alphabet soup… CPA, RIA, Esq., etc.

And all of these people are working for just one client — one wealthy family.

It seems completely unfair that this Family Office strategy is essentially only available to families worth $50 million or more.

Because it easily costs $500,000 to $2.5 million PER YEAR to get a Family Office to create and manage your family’s multi-generational wealth plan.

So we spent years building our own "Family Office" of financial professionals for our own clients to use here at Wealth Factory… even if they’re not worth $50 million or even considered wealthy.

That family office is called The Accredited Network.

And your Billionaire Financial System wouldn’t be complete without The Accredited Network Files.

Accredited Network Files Screen

The Accredited Network Files Consist of 11 Hand-Selected Gems From Our Private Digital Vault

This treasure trove of wealth-building information contains private interviews with our "Family Office" financial professionals on every topic including:

  • Saving taxes
  • Investing
  • Credit improvement
  • Cash flow optimization
  • Estate planning
  • And much, much more.

You get instant access to all 11 video lessons, executive summaries, and notes, plus downloadable workbooks to help you apply key lessons to your life and business.

These lessons represent the biggest and best ideas from the accredited experts who help me personally with business, finance and investing. They will inspire and guide you in creating your own framework for building wealth and manufacturing economic independence much faster.

These 11 private video lessons are as close as I can get you to a Family Office today without paying $500,000 to $2.5 million per year like billionaires do…

Or working for years to build your own Family Office (like we did).

Here's a sneak peek at what you get with The Accredited Network Files:

Lesson 1: 14 Proactive Strategies to Legally Win the Tax Game and Never Fear the IRS

Most accountants focus on saving you money on taxes at the end of the year, but that's reactive.

Instead, you want a PROACTIVE accountant who uses the tax code to create tax savings for you all year long (and isn't satisfied with just delaying taxes until another day.)

In this powerful lesson with our carefully selected, world-class personal tax accountant, you will learn how to think about accounting with a production-based mindset.

Lesson 2: 4 Steps to Improve Cash Flow So You Can Start Living Wealthy Today

In this lesson, you’ll discover powerful cash flow optimization techniques that have saved our elite-level members $3,279 per month on average.

(*Individual Results, Results Not Typical. See Our Testimonial Support Disclosure For Helpful Information.)

Lesson 3: The Truth About the Best (and Worst) Investments

In this lesson, a “financial insider” and a former financial advisor is going to walk you through the pros and cons of almost every investment you’ll come across...

... Including Tony Robbins’ favorite investment. He may have just written a best selling book on money, but Ryan still says you need to be careful with 9 out of 10

Lesson 4: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Life Insurance from a Certified Financial Nerd...

Your expert in this lesson, understands all the different (and sometimes highly technical) uses of life insurance, including how the ultra-wealthy integrate life insurance strategies into their wealth plans to nail down guarantees and free up working capital.

In this video, we simplify the complicated aspects of life insurance and give you key insights and takeaways that you can start using today to integrate life insurance into your own wealth architecture.

Lesson 5: 4 Uncommon Reasons to Make Your Estate Plan a Top Priority This Month...

Do you need an estate plan? A family trust? How about a will? Is a simple will even enough?

If you have already started your estate plan, is it complete? Are there missing pieces? Does anything need updating?

Are all the potential issues handled? Have financial circumstances changed since the last update? Are there relationship changes you need to consider?

Those are the questions many people have when it comes to estate planning. And just the thought of it is enough to make people push it off until "some other time."

So – do YOU need to worry about your estate plan? Will it really matter? This lesson with an elite Estate Attorney will give you the answers you need, regardless of where you are now.

Lesson 6: How to Get Maximum Property and Casualty Protection for the Least Cost

Whether at work or at play, at home or in your car, life is full of risks. And buying insurance is one of the ways we manage risk in our lives.

In fact, buying insurance is the most efficient way of managing most risk.

But since buying insurance costs money, most people resist it and make the mistake of buying as little as possible. This can be both financially devastating and life-altering in ways you can never imagine until it's too late. In this video, you’ll see how you can get the maximum protection for the lowest cost.

Lesson 7: This 5 Minute-Per-Year Review Could Save You From a Disability Nightmare...

Most people approach disability insurance with the attitude of, “how much does it cost?”

Everyone – especially a business owner – needs to flip that question around and ask, "how much would my family and I LOSE if I'm not protected adequately?"

That’s why my philosophy is simple - I view disability insurance as my greatest asset because it protects my greatest asset (my own ability to work and generate revenue for my business and family).

In this lesson, you’ll discover the 4 major considerations you must take into account when setting up your disability insurance (and the single biggest mistake most people make with their disability coverage.)

Lesson 8: How to Ride Your “Soul Purpose” to an Early Retirement – Just 2-7 Years Away

One of the riskiest bets a person can make is this: living a life they don’t enjoy today just for the money and hope that one day it will all pay off.

Yet that’s the plan for most people—work 30 years doing something they merely tolerate so they can live a fulfilling life later.

You don’t have to live like this—there is a way out. You can live a fulfilling, wealthy life now. Instead of waiting to retire from your business in 30 years … you can retire into your business in 2-7 years by retiring away from the tasks you hate and moving towards the tasks you love.

Lesson 9: How to Choose the Right Legal Structure for Your Business

They say most businesses won’t survive their first 5 years. In reality, businesses that incorporate are 40% more likely to be in business past 5 years.

Why is that? To me, the answer is obvious: when you’re doing the right things—like choosing the right business structure—then you’re probably doing “the right things” in other areas of your business, too. It’s also a sign that you’re taking your business seriously and focusing on making it a success. So in this video lesson, I invited an expert on business structures to discuss choosing the right entity for your business.

Lesson 10: How to Uncover Your Investor DNA

When you identify your Investor DNA, you can determine the investments that line up with your personal strengths, so that your risk when investing is minimal.

Use this lesson to align your unique strengths with what you invest in, and you can boost your returns, supercharge your happiness, and kill unnecessary stress, uncertainty, and financial risk.

Lesson 11: Credit Roundtable – Everything You Need to Know about Your Credit

Having a low credit score can cost you a lot in extra fees, and eat away at your cash flow.

Here’s What the Complete Billionaire Financial System Can Really Do For You...

Economic Independence is the point at which you have enough cash inflows to cover the lifestyle you want, without requiring you to actively work.

This allows you to work when you want, for as long as you want — all on your terms, not because you "have to."

And that frees up your mind, your calendar and your energy level to do just about anything you want.

We've seen clients of ours triple their net worth in 3-7 years while working half as much using this system. And while that may not be typical it is what's possible when you fully employ the Billionaire Financial System.

Here's What To Do Next to Get the Complete Billionaire Financial System for 97% Off

To recap, here’s everything you get with the Complete Billionaire Financial System.

What Would Billionaires Do? (Digital Book + Audiobook + Quick Start Action Guide and Summary — Retail Price: $49.00)

This book reveals, in full, the multi-generational wealth plan created by the Rockefellers to protect and grow their wealth for 6 generations and counting… that anyone can use to "upgrade" their family's financial future.

You also get...

The Accredited Network Files (11 Videos, Workbooks and Executive Summaries — Retail Price $1,497.00)

The Accredited Network Files contain 11 private interviews with members of our "Family Office" of elite financial professionals…

Who charge as much as $1,000 per hour (or more) for a meeting...

And this is 12.5 hours of video with them from our private vault, plus the workbooks and executive summaries…

So The Accredited Network Files are a steal at their retail price of $1,497.00.

But this is my chance to put my best foot forward, actually HELP you, AND show you what Wealth Factory is all about.

And I want you to have access to these billionaire financial strategies without having to be or know a millionaire or billionaire.

So I’m willing to give you a massive 97% discount...

Here’s the breakdown:

What Would Billionaires Do? (Digital Book + Audiobook — $49.00 Retail)

Budgeting Sucks (Digital Book + Audiobook — $29.95 Retail)

The Accredited Network Files ($1,497.00 Retail)

Total Value: $1,575.95

Simply click the button below to secure your 97% discount.

What else do you get besides What Would Billionaires Do? and The Accredited Network Files?

Order Today And You Also Get This Free Bonus

The wealthy do things differently with their money…

So when you get the Billionaire Financial System today…

I’m also going to give you this important book as a FREE BONUS: Budgeting Sucks — Live Free, Retire Wealthy…

Because even though many financial gurus preach penny-pinching, sacrificing and delaying happiness...

The wealthy absolutely did not get rich by budgeting.

And they don’t live within their means by shrinking their means… they EXPAND their means.

Budgeting Sucks will show you how to automatically grow wealthier on your current income — without sacrificing or cutting back.

And you get the book and audiobook, another $29.95 value...

As part of the Complete Billionaire Financial System.

PLUS Your Purchase Plants 1 Tree Today

Wildfires have devastated America’s forests over the last several years.

And by skipping the paper books and delivering digital copies instead… you’re ensuring that there’s one less tree to cut down.

Then — to double-down on rebuilding America’s forests…

For every purchase of the Complete Billionaire System we are also donating $1 to the National Forest Foundation (NFF).

Every $1 donation to the NFF plants 1 native tree in a National Forest in need of reforestation…

And gets us closer to the goal of planting 50,000,000 trees across America to rebuild forests devastated by wildfire, insects and disease.

With your purchase today, they will plant at least one more tree…

And, for every $1 NFF puts towards rebuilding the forests…

The U.S. Forest Service will match it with $2 of value via project support and implementation.

Pretty good deal, right?

You get the complete Billionaire Financial System AND you plant a tree to help rebuild America’s forests.

So in total with today’s purchase…

You’re Getting $1,575.95 in Value

You get the What Would Billionaires Do? book, audiobook, and Quick Start Action Guide and summary, which alone retails for $49.00.

Plus you get all 11 Family Office interviews and lessons from my private Accredited Network vault… valued at $1,497.00.

Not to mention a digital and audiobook copy of Budgeting Sucks ($29.95 retail).

And you’re planting a tree to help rebuild America’s forests with your purchase.

That’s a $1,575.95 value for just $49 today.

Your Satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed

When you get the complete Billionaire Financial System today, you can skim What Would Billionaires Do? or read it cover to cover…

You can watch a few minutes of The Accredited Network Files or watch every single minute of every video lesson…

And if you’re anything other than 1,000% happy with your decision today, simply let us know within 30 days of purchase and we’ll return your money in full. No questions asked and we’ll even part as friends.

But we recommend ordering now, because...

Time Is Of The Essence

We’ve packed the Billionaire Financial System full of value by bundling together several of our most valuable books and courses that usually sell for far more.

And that means we're losing money on this deal.

Why would we do that?

My hope is that you’ll love the system so much that you’ll consider joining one of our financial coaching programs in the future.

Basically I’m betting that the Billionaire Financial System is so compelling that I’ll actually make money in the long run — even if we lose money up front.

With all of that said — we can’t keep this offer going forever, so I urge you to get the complete Billionaire Financial System today.

This Offer Can’t Last Forever —

So Claim the Billionaire Financial System Now Before It’s Gone

Thanks for investing in yourself and your financial future. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Norm Westervelt