Wealth Factory CEO and Co-Founder
Dear Friend,
If you want to discover how to continually grow your wealth, guaranteed even in times like these, using the same method as the richest family in American history…
If you want to have cash on hand to buy profitable assets when there's a recession...
If you want to give your family all the best things in life without enabling them to squander the family fortune (like most "trust-fund babies" accomplish in one generation)...
And if you never want to fear running out of money (either now or in future generations)...
Then What Would Billionaires Do? could be the most important financial book you ever read... and here's why.
First, a Warning:
Before we go further, let me make something abundantly clear:
The ideas and financial strategies revealed in this book are only for people willing to look at money in a different way than we've all been taught...
And it will only benefit people willing to acknowledge that there ARE shortcuts to building massive wealth.
Now I realize that may sound like a very strange "warning," but it's incredibly important, because...
The Wealthy Leverage Money Differently Than Everyone Else
And it took stumbling onto an obscure, decades-old document to uncover this.
The document wasn’t widely circulated and the financial establishment mainly ignored it.
Yet the strategies inside are absolutely stunning...
It shows you how to take advantage of wealth benefits created by powerful financial interests who spent millions lobbying Washington DC. Things like...
- The secret to continual growth (that won’t fall when the markets do)
- How to boost your savings rate up to 400% - 800% and safeguard your wealth
- Plus how to pass that tax-free wealth onto the next generation
It made me think…
This must be how ultra-wealthy families continue to grow and pass on their fortunes...
Just like the Rockefeller Family who still controls an estimated 11 billion dollars 6 generations after John D. Rockefeller struck it rich in the oil business, more than 120 years ago.
The Wealth Factory team and I read the document beginning to end several times, but it felt incomplete.
So we tracked down the author and paid him thousands of dollars to fly into town and let us interview him for two days.
It was fascinating, but there were still a few holes in the concept.
So we spent the next decade improving and perfecting the system.
While also helping hundreds of families implement this wealth strategy in their life.
And then…
A Rockefeller-Family Insider Called Us On the Phone
A CPA who worked for the Rockefeller Family Foundation heard what we were up to and reached out.
We explained the system in detail, and she said…
"You're spot on. This is the philosophy we used. This makes a ton of sense."
She also said that every time a new Rockefeller is born — and there are nearly 200 alive today — they are added to this wealth system.
And now they get to experience continual financial growth for the rest of their lives — and eventually pass on money tax-free to their heirs, too.
In life, the system acts as an “Opportunity fund” to provide money for life events like college, buying a home, starting a business and more.
Plus, if something happens where the economy changes or the market goes down, you are completely protected from any downside.
It’s the best financial system I’ve ever come across, and best of all…
You don’t have to be a millionaire to implement this multi-generational wealth plan.
Just follow the step-by-step instructions as described in our tell-all book, What Would Billionaires Do?
Now You Can Do Exactly What the Wealthiest Family in U.S. History Does
This may take you out of your comfort zone, because it may mean you need to stop doing some things you've grown accustomed to — like trying to score big wins in the stock market, or jumping in early on IPOs, or speculating on cryptocurrencies.
These activities can feel exciting, but are almost always distractions that derail true wealth-building.
So if you're willing to do the simple (and sometimes boring) things that really count — like creating guaranteed returns with trusts, optimizing your insurance coverages to fully protect all your assets, and strategically engineering your wealth by tapping into your Investor DNA...
Then you could change your family’s fortunes forever.
I know that eliminates a lot of people, however that's who this is for.
With that said … let me jump right in and show you...