Hi, I’m Garrett Gunderson, Founder of Wealth Factory, author of NY Times bestseller Killing Sacred Cows, and the upcoming book, Budgeting Sucks.

In my first job in the financial services industry, I witnessed firsthand how Wall Street had built a mousetrap for the middle class. They tell you to put your money into complex investments you don't understand, in a retirement account that you can't touch until you're old, and ask you to cross your fingers and hope it works out.

That's not how the wealthy do it. Personal finance for the wealthy is about simplification, minimizing risk, and optimizing cash flow.

Please enjoy this special interview with members of the Accredited Network, as we go behind the curtain of the credit game and explore a few key ways you can maximize your credit and avoid overpaying on interest rates, insurance rates, and put more money back in your pocket.


Special Roundtable: Everything You Need to Know about Maximizing Your Credit

Coming up next... Optimizing Cash Flow: How to find money (without budgeting, working harder, or taking on more risk), and build your own financial superteam...
Get the Cash Flow Guide here

Garrett Gunderson

Garrett Gunderson is the New York Times bestselling author of Killing Sacred Cows: Overcoming the Financial Myths That Are Destroying Your Prosperity. His passion and the killer team of wealth strategists he built moved him to help countless business owners create efficient wealth strategies that fit their unique strengths, which turned out to be completely different than the strategy of the traditional finance industry that eats away at entrepreneurs with hidden fees and risky investments. So in 2014, Garrett started Wealth Factory to bring these investment strategies to everyday entrepreneurs.