Here’s what investing in yourself looks like

Case Study
A great example of investing in yourself is Wealth Factory member Dr. Chris Zaino. When Dr. Zaino read Killing Sacred Cows and went through the Freedom FastTrack program, he immediately liquidated all of his “investments” that weren’t aligned with his Soul Purpose and business. He funneled all that cash towards protection components and building his business. Plus he created a new educational membership site to teach other chiropractors how to grow a business that sees thousands of patients per week.

These projects take time, effort, and money. But Dr. Zaino understands that building his personal practice and increasing his reach and influence as a thought leader will yield far greater returns than he’d ever get in a qualified plan or mutual fund. And he is doing something that matters to his legacy, personal satisfaction and fulfillment today — not to mention improving his cash flow. It truly is a way to invest in himself while serving others and solving problems, thus earning more money.

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