How To Be Good At Sales In Today’s World

Are you an entrepreneur who wants to know how to be good at sales but hates acting like a salesperson? You may be excited and even relieved to learn that old sales tactics that involve creating high-pressure stakes, being really pushy, and using negative emotional triggers such as fear, are no longer viable in today’s marketplace. 

In today’s digital marketplace, people have more options and they have more access. People don’t usually use logic when deciding to buy. People buy because they feel emotionally moved to buy, and in the digital marketplace, people have more opportunities than ever before to make purchasing decisions based on their values, emotions, and other people’s experiences with your company. How to be good at sales in today’s world has taken a welcome departure from the sales tactics of the past. The idea of that smarmy, pushy salesperson is a relic of the past and most entrepreneurs are glad to say good riddance. 

how to be good at sales
Pushy sales tactics are no longer viable in today’s market. Today’s sales tactics begin with building a relationship.” – Isaac Tanner, Operations Manager, Wealth Factory

New sales tactics are all about building relationships and those relationships begin with listening to your customers. Great salespeople are superior at asking the right questions, and they’re even better at listening to what their customers truly need. We call this the consultative approach. The mindset is that you’re not there to sell them certain things; you’re there to actually serve them and their needs with any of the resources that you may have to offer. With the consultative approach, we are never pushing. We’re actually listening for that million-dollar idea, that opportunity to provide your client community with something they aren’t getting anywhere else.

A bulldozing salesperson can never hear these million-dollar ideas because they’re too busy pushing a product and bulldozing past the real needs of the customers. The best strategy for how to be good at sales in today’s world begins with remembering that every time a customer tells you what they need, there is a possibility that it might give you a million-dollar idea for a service or product that you can provide. Listening is the key to success in sales. 

Watch today’s episode for more guided information about how to be good at sales in today’s world. Also, Wealth Factory has included in today’s episode an exclusive link for The Million-Dollar Idea Guide, a powerful free resource for leveling up your sales tactics in a way that is more modern, more effective, and healthier for you, your business, and your customers. 

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