How To Define Your Business Values

The definition of business values can vary depending on the business owner. Yes, there are standard codes of conduct, but defining the unique values, philosophies, and goals within a business is what sets it apart from all others. Your personal definition of business values inevitably becomes your company’s DNA, so it’s vital to embed well-defined values and a clear mission statement into your company culture. And yet, it’s one of those things in life, like sweeping out our garage, or fitness and nutrition We always realize we need to do it, and we have the best intentions to do it, but we never seem to get around to it. And much like neglecting our health or the upkeep of our home can creep up on us gradually, not installing clear and memorable values, philosophies, and common goals into our company culture can come back to haunt us. So today, we’re going to talk about business philosophies, values, and goals. And I have an EXCLUSIVE, complimentary tool from Wealth Factory that was created to help business owners effectively craft their own perfect mission statement. The Purpose guide will bring clarity to your big why, the beating heart of why you do what you do, and then express in concise and impactful words what’s unique about your company’s definition of business values.

business values
“Our personal values, philosophies, and goals inevitably become the DNA of our businesses.” – Norm Westervelt, CEO

Values, philosophies, and goals represent what’s important to us and the way we think, and this is what becomes our company DNA. Join me for today’s episode! We’re going to take a moment today to break down the necessary components that create the most effective values, philosophies, and goals for a business. We are also going to look at some of the more nuanced ways that having a fortified mission statement can help your business operate more smoothly, and how it’s helped me in our business here. One of the first things we will look at is answering for ourselves: “What are the guiding principles to a common goal?” Finding that answer for yourself will help catapult your progress in discovering how you want to present your business’s values, mission, and goals to not only your colleagues and customers but to the whole entire world. 

Be sure to stick around until the end of the episode, because you don’t want to miss out on gaining complimentary access to The Purpose Guide, a resource designed to act as a personal guide for helping entrepreneurs define their ideal mission statements. Watch the episode to learn more now.

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