How to Fund Your Kid’s College… Without Breaking the Bank

This is Part 5 of the Financial Health Accelerator Series on “Money and Investing.”


In this private conference call, we cover how you can fund skyrocketing educational costs without sacrificing your long-term success or security — whether it’s your own education, your kid’s college or even if it’s to help out your grandkids with their school costs.

Or, download the audio file

Download the College Funding Checklist here (this has the questions referenced on the call)

Why this is so Critical…

If you have children (or grandchildren), you may wonder how you can afford to pay for their education.

After all, as we mention on the call, the average private college education now costs over $32k per year! That’s $128,000 for a four year degree, and that doesn’t include books, travel or room & board.

As a parent or grandparent, it’s a daunting thought. But after listening to this session, you’ll be filled with all kinds of new and inspiring ideas.

Plus, the ideas we give you you don’t rely on debt and don’t even impact your future prosperity.

Beware of Government-Sponsored Plans…

We cover the problems with 529s and Coverdell accounts, and explore several alternatives to look at…

Including using your child’s lower tax bracket to boost the amount you’re able to save, partnering with your child to reduce housing costs, and even how to use Cash Flow Banking as a college fund.

The REAL Key to Success…

Developing a personal philosophy of helping your kids with their educational costs that fits your core values will take you a long way. Best of all, it isn’t dependent on the AMOUNT of money you make or save.

We ask two simple questions in this session to help you sort this out. And the answer most people give reveals their current philosophy is based on scarcity instead of abundance.

Your Next Steps…

After you see how it’s possible to pay for education without breaking the bank — you may want to implement some of the strategies we cover.

The call doesn’t go into details because everyone’s situation is different. However, you’re encouraged to take any of these ideas to your own financial team for customization to your unique circumstances.

Or — if you want to talk to someone on our team about implementing these ideas, you can:

Inquire about our one-on-one financial services here.

There’s no obligation. It simply gives you an opportunity to see if our services are right for you.

Other Calls in This Series…

Here are the other conference calls in this continuing series:

  1. The Winning Framework for Long-term Investing
  2. How to Reduce Risk, Avoid Losses, and Boost Returns by Tapping into Your Own Investor DNA
  3. Maximize Your Investment Performance by Focusing on Cash Flow
  4. Live Wealthy NOW Without Jeopardizing Your Future Security & Prosperity

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